Reflection - Quotes That Ring
composed quotes and reflection on Dave Eggers' The Circle “Who else but utopians could make utopia?” “ALL THAT HAPPENS MUST BE KNOWN....

Technology May Succeed By Taking The World Apart
We live in a system that clearly doesn’t always work. Humans are far from perfect, and yet we will be striving for perfection until we...

Fleeting Authenticity
“The presence of the original is the prerequisite to the concept of authenticity” (Walter Benjamin). The idea of authenticity exists...

A.I. Artificial Intelligence - Life by Human Beings
Humans seem to possess a limitless desire and equally voracious drive to create. There will always be those of us who strive to build...

Gamification Nation
As soon as video games raced into existence, humans latched onto their virtual boundlessness. Nevertheless, video games, like pretty much...

Privacy, Surveillance, and Security in a Post-Snowden America
“It’s difficult for most people to even conceptualize… The problem is that the Internet is vastly complex, and so much of it is...

From LULS to Politics
No matter the level of consciousness, hacking is implicitly political in one way, shape or form. Among other things, hackers exploit...

Blue Skies, Clear Skies
In my eyes, a blue sky with a few wisps of clouds makes my day. When the sun is shining, and the sky is clear, life is good… on this side...

Field Day With Drone Stikes
One of the major ethical issues surrounding drone strikes is the matter of civilian casualties. Obviously, if a drone strike is...

Big Data & the Future of DataViz
Today’s modern society is easily characterized as the era of “big data” – a term for the truly massive amounts of data created and...